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June 14, 2024

Legal Briefs: Justice Alito's OTHER Flag, Biden Executive Order on Immigration

Legal Briefs: Justice Alito's OTHER Flag, Biden Executive Order on Immigration

We talk about the Appeal To Heaven flag on Justice Alito's vacation home and the new executive order on immigration.  Craig's op-ed in the ACCU Update (Summer 2012), “The Messenger Matters” can be found at:  ...

We talk about the Appeal To Heaven flag on Justice Alito's vacation home and the new executive order on immigration. 

Craig's op-ed in the ACCU Update (Summer 2012), “The Messenger Matters” can be found at:

Dina Nayeri's quote can be found in The Ungrateful Refugee, What Immigrants Never Tell You, (NY: Catapult, 2019), p. 262.

NIJC National Policy Director Heidi Altman’s quote is in Michael Shear’s “To Restrict Migrants, Biden Leans on Trump’s Favorite Immigration Law,’ June 4, 2024, The New York Times.  It can be found at: